Enemies Are Better Than Nothing
It grows ever harder to make friends in a complex world, for friendship requires contact. But one can make enemies of those one has never seen or heard. This lonely enemy-making activity is becoming more and more The American Way.
The Ego an Its Own
A man may be discontented with everything – God, Country, Wife, art – but he is never discontented with the amount of sense he has. It is always enough.
My Favorite Love Story
A Chinese Woman sat in the graveyard fanning the earth beneath which her husband lay buried.
“What a tender heart that still hopes to comfort him with her loving fan” sighed an onlooker.
The Chine Woman had promised her husband not to marry again until the earth of his grave was dry.
Scientific Note
Much of psychoanalyst therapy is based on theory that it takes a thief to catch a thief
Ben Hetch (1954)
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